Windows screen capture program for the Hyperion open-source Ambilight project.
The program uses DirectX 9/11 to capture the screen, resize it and send it to the FlatBuffer or ProtoBuffer interface of Hyperion.
Changelog and official forum thread:
The following dependencies need to be installed manually
If screen capture is not working, install the following dependencies as well
Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Service Pack 1
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Service Pack 1
Simply download and install SetupHyperionScreenCapture.exe from the latest release.
The application can be configured using the setup window which can be accessed by right clicking on the system tray icon. The defaults for most of the settings should work out of the box. Description of the configuration parameters can be found on the help tab of the setup window.
Icons made by mynamepong, Good Ware, Freepik and Kiranshastry from